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11th Educational Symposium on RADIATION AND HEALTH by young scientists:

@ Hirosaki University, Hirosaki, Japan

Message from the Chairman

Dear friends, colleagues and young generation researchers,

I am pleased to welcome you to join us at the 11th Educational Symposium on Radiation and Health by Young Scientists, or ESRAH, in 2024. It is our great honor to host this symposium at the Hirosaki University Graduate School of Health Sciences, Aomori, Japan. We wish to embrace the power of knowledge and innovation as young minds gather to explore the dynamic world of radiation and its impact on health. 

This Educational Symposium on Radiation and Health is a prestigious annual event that brings together young scientists, researchers, and experts to engage in discussions and presentations on the latest advancements in radiation science and its implications for human health and the environment.

The primary objective of the symposium is to foster collaboration, knowledge sharing, and innovation in the field of radiation research and related issues. By providing a platform for young scientists to showcase their work, exchange ideas, and network with peers and established professionals, the symposium aims to nurture the next generation of leaders in radiation and health. The target audience for this year's event includes high school students, graduate students, postdoctoral researchers, early-career professionals, and related stakeholders with a keen interest in advancing their understanding of the intersection between radiation and health. Therefore, the symposium theme for this year is "Empowering Young Minds: Innovations in Radiation and Health".

Finally, we hope ESRAH 2024 can promise to be a dynamic and engaging event that will bring together a diverse community of researchers, professionals, and industry leaders to explore the frontiers of radiation science and its impact on health and the environment. With its focus on collaboration, innovation, and knowledge sharing, the symposium is poised to inspire and empower the next generation of young scientists to make meaningful contributions to the field. We look forward to welcoming you to this exciting symposium and embarking on a journey of

discovery, learning, and growth together.

I wish you every success with this symposium, and I look forward to learning about the outcome.​

Thank you.

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Eichi Tsuruga, PhD.

Dean of the School of Health Sciences and Graduate School of Health Sciences, Hirosaki University

Symposium Chair
The 11th Educational Symposium on Radiation and Health by Young Scientists
Hirosaki, Aomori, JAPAN

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