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11th Educational Symposium on RADIATION AND HEALTH by young scientists:

@ Hirosaki University, Hirosaki, Japan

Introduction of ESRAH's Symposium

Since 2008, an annual exchange meeting has been held between Hokkaido University and Hirosaki University, providing a valuable opportunity to discuss the effects of radiation on the human body. This meeting serves as a platform for graduate students from both universities to enhance their understanding and skills in the fields of radiology, radiation protection, radiation physics and biology, environmental health, and radiotherapy, among others. The Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident, which occurred on March 11, 2011, following an earthquake and tsunami, has sparked significant interest in studying the impact of radioactivity on the environment and human beings, particularly in cases of low-dose exposures. In order to learn more about radiation and human health, the meeting was expanded in 2014 to an international conference called “The Educational Symposium on Radiation and Health  by Young Scientists (ESRAH) ”. At this symposium, participants have the opportunity to acquire knowledge and explore new findings on radiation and human health through educational lectures and poster presentations delivered by distinguished researchers in the field. The symposium serves as a platform for scientific discussions and the dissemination of valuable insights in this critical area of study.

 This year, the 11th ESRAH will take place from September 21 to 22 , 2024 at Hirosaki University, Aomori, Japan. The symposium will have five educational lecture topics and a poster session for young participants. The Prizes will be awarded on Sunday, September 22th for the most outstanding contributions. We believe that this symposium will not only enhance the participants' understanding of radiation and health but also foster meaningful connections among fellow scholars. We are looking forward to your participation!!


Last year's ESRAH

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